Cre site-specific recombinase-mediated DNA excision system was driven by the heat shock promoter Gmhsp17.5C. In this system, the DNA fragment with CaMV35S-GUS franked by two identical orientation loxp sites could be excised from the transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. W38) by Cre expression under control of heat shock promoter. This transgenic system has been determined by quantitative PCR and showed Cre/lox mediated recombination efficiency. Results showed that 41% of DNA fragment with CaMV35S-GUS in the transgenic tobacco could be excised after a two-hour heat shock treatment. Based on several advantages of heat shock-inducible site-specific recombination system such as easy manipulation, sensitivity to heat shock and no background expression, it can be potentially used for induc-ible DNA manipulation in transgenic plant.
陈 明 王立霞 彭向雷 徐惠君 林忠平
(1 . 北京大学生命科学学院蛋白质工程与植物基因工程国家重点实验室,北京 100871;
2.中国农业科学院作物育种与栽培研究所, 农业部作物遗传育种重点实验室,北京 100081)
摘要: 采用热激启动子Gmhsp17.5C 控制Cre 定位重组酶介导的DNA 删除系统。在这个系统中,在热激启动子控制下的Cre重组酶的表达导致两侧带有相同方向loxp位点的CaMV35S-GUS片段从转基因烟草(Nicotiana tabacum的基因组中删除。通过定量PCR的方法鉴定这个转基因系统,显示了这个系统的重组效率。结果显示在两个小时热激处理后转基因烟草中有41% 的CaMV35S-GUS 片段被删除。由于热激诱导的定点重组系统有容易操作、对热敏感和无背景表达等优点,因此有利于采用这个系统在转基因植物中进行可诱导的基因操作。
关键词: 烟草;Cre/lox; Cre 重组酶;热激;诱导
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