Author: Zhang Ju-ren, Gao Shu-fang, Yu Jia-ju and Wang Xing-an
J Integr Plant Biol 1991, 33 (11): -.
The embryonic calli produced from immature embryos of inbred “Huangzhao-4” of maize, that had been maintained for half a year, were transferred to media supplemented with different NaC1 concentrations (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30g/L) for callus selection. NaCl tolerant calli were established through three generations of selections. The growth and frequency of survival calli were affected significantly by NaCl concentration. The proliferetion of NaCl-tolerant calli was relatively good on medium containing of 10g/L NaC1. From these calli, plant lets could be produced on differentiation medium. On medium supplemented with 10g/L of NaC1 the plantlets could normally grow to transplantation. In NaCl-tolerant calli cultured on medium containing 10g/L of NaC1, the contents of free amino acids, free proline, Na+, K+ were 18.0%,87.3%,661.9%,25.5% respectively higher than those in un-selected calli grown on subculture medium, but Ca2+ content decreased significantly. On medium containing 10g/L of NaC1, cells and their organelles in NaCl-tolerant calli had normal morphology and structure, and vigorous metabolism, but in un-selected calli, the majority of cells turned to wards dying. Although tolerant plants regenerated and their filial ones had grown in non-salted soil, their progenies retained the property tolerance, but showed segregation of the degrees of tolerance. In 10g/L NaC1 solution, the seeds of progenies from one plant regenerated could germinate normally, and grow into healthy seedlings. Therefore, the NaCl-tolerant calli and plantlets that we have obtained NaCl-tolerant variants.