Author: Wu Xiao-nan, Zhou Bai-cheng and Zeng Cheng-kui (C. K. Tseng)
J Integr Plant Biol 1991, 33 (12): -.
properties, pigment compositions, Chl a/b ratios and apparent molecular weights of chlorophyll-protein complexes were compared between spinach and a marine green alga, Bryopsis corticulans. The results are as follows: 1. Ten chlorophyll-protein complexes were resolved from spinach thylakoid membranes solubilized by SDS in a final SDS/Chl weight ratio of 10:1, and subjected to SDS-PAGE with 11% resolution gel. CPIa 1–3 and CPI belonged to photosystem Ⅰ, and the rest to phorosystem Ⅱ. The maximum absorption of CPIa2, CPIas and CPI were all at 674nm, but that of CPIa1 at 670nm, and those of LHCII and D2 at 670 and 673nm, respectively. Chlorophyll ia PSⅡ was 63% of the total. In PSⅡ, most of chlorophyll was in LHCII which contained 86% of the chlorophyll in PSⅡ. In PSⅠ, chlorophyll in CPla was 72% of the total. Chlorophyll a was the main pigment in PSⅠ components which have Chl a/b ratio over 15. 2. Eight chlorophyll-protein complexes were isolated from B. corticulans with a SDS/Chi weight ratio of 8:1 and 8% resolution gel. The maximum absorption of CPIa, CPI, LHCII and D2 were respectively at 671nm, 673nm, 669nm and 664nm. PSⅡ contained 77% of the total chlorophyll. LHCII chlorophyll was 95% of the PSⅡ chlorophyll. CPI held 77% of PSⅠ chloro~ phyll. There was more chlorophyll b in Bryopsis complexes, especially in LHCI1 (Chl a/b< 0.8). The molecular weights of Bryopsis complexes were higher than those of the spinach complexes. Bryopsis LHCII contained siphoxanthin and siphothin, the marked pigments of Siphohales, as functional pigments. The above results revealed three points of difference between these two plants. Firstly, Chl a is the main pigment in spinach, whereas in Bryopsis the main pigments are Chl b and siphoxanthin. This is in accordance with the suggestion that plants may change their pigment composition to adapt light regime in the environment during evolution. Secondly, in Bryopsis, chlorophyll is concentrated in photosystem Ⅱ, but in spinach chlorophyll is shared evenly by two photosystems. Finally, CPI in Bryopsis contained the major part of chlorophyll in PSⅠ, yet in spinach CPIa is the superior.