Author: WANG Run-Qi, GAO Jun-Hua, MAO Li-Ping, DU Rui-Heng, DIAO Xian-Min and SUN Jing-San
Using foxtail millet (Setaria italica(L.) Beauv.) male sterile line 1066A as female parent and Yugu 1 primary trisomic series (1-7) and tetrasomics 8, 9 as male parents, chromosome location of gene for male sterility and yellow seedling in line 1066A was studied by primary trisomic analysis. The plants of F1 generation of trisomics 2-9 were obtained by crossing with a great many plants of 1066A. F1 generation of trisomics was similar to theirmale parent in morphologic characters, the color of their seedling was green, and pollen was partially fertile. The segregation ratio of fertility to sterility is 3∶1 in F2 generation of trisomics 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9; and 14∶1 only in F2 generation of trisomic 6 (χ20.05=0.012). The segregation ratio of green seedling to yellow seedling is 12∶1 only in F2 generation of trisomic 7 (χ20.05=0.31), but in other cases, this ratio is 3∶1. The results indicated that the male sterility gene was located on chromosome 6, and the gene for yellow seedling was monogenic recessive and located on chromosome 7. The rate of trisomics transmission by pollen was tested, trisomics 8 and 9 were the highest in rates of trisomics transmission and followed by trisomics 6 and 4.
谷子雄性不育系1066A 不育基因和黄苗基因的染色体定位
王润奇1* 高俊华1! 毛丽萍2杜瑞恒1刁现民1*孙敬三3
(1. 河北省农林科学院谷子研究所,石家庄050031;2. 石家庄市桥东污水治理工程筹建处,石家庄050031;3. 中国科学院植物研究所,北京100093)
摘要: 以谷子 (Setariaitalica (L .)Beauv .)雄性不育系 10 6 6A为母本 ,豫谷 1号三体 (1~ 7)及四体 8和四体 9作父本进行杂交 ,应用初级三体分析法 ,进行了谷子雄性不育基因和黄苗基因的染色体定位研究。通过配置大量杂交组合和反复授粉 ,利用豫谷 1号三体的极少量花粉 ,获得了三体 2~ 9的F1代杂种 ,各杂种三体的形态与豫谷 1号三体基本相似 ,略有差异 ,苗色呈绿色且可育。杂种F2 植株的苗色和育性都产生分离。结果是三体 3、5、7、8、9的F2 代分离出的可育株与不育株之比为 3∶1,三体 6的可育株与不育株之比为 14∶1(χ2 =0 .0 12 ,P =0 .0 1)。杂种F2分离出的绿苗与黄苗之比只有三体 7为 12∶1(χ2 =0 .36 ,P =0 .0 1) ,其他均为 3∶1。因此 ,可以确定 10 6 6A的不育基因为隐性单基因 ,位于第 6号染色体上 ,该品系的黄苗基因也是隐性单基因 ,位于第 7号染色体上。
关键词: 谷子;雄性不育;黄苗;三体分析法;基因定位