Author: Sun Xing-jun, Zhang Da-hua and Hou Jin-shan
J Integr Plant Biol 1979, 21 (3): -.
Sporo-pollen assemblages, with proteaceous pollen and Normapolles, are obtained from the boring cores and some black clay deposits in the vicinity of Er-Lian-Hao-Te city of northern Nei Monggol (Inner-Mongolia). Seventy species are reported, in which Proteacidites microverrucatus, Beaupreaidites striatus, Triatriapollenites echina- tus and Echitriporites magnus, are described as new. These assemblages are conspicuously poor in pteridophytes and rich in gymnosperms of the families and genera: Pinaceae, Podocarpaceae and Ephedraceae, especially Cedripites, Podocarpidites and Ephedripites. Angiosperms are quite diverse in types, besides the proteaceous pollen and Normapolles (Altantopollis, Pseudoatlantopollis cf. simulatus, Choanopollenites), Momipites coryloides, Momipites tenuipolus, Paraal- nipollenites confusus, Platycarga, Ulmoideipites tricostatus, U. krempii, Cranwellia cf rumseyensis, Disyllabipollis labeosus, Rhoipites, Lonicerapollis gallwitzi, L. scabratus etc. These pollen assemblages are assigned to the families Myricaceae, Juglandaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, Proteaceae, Lorathaceae, Anacordiaceae, Symplocaceae, Aquifoliaceae and others. Most of them are tropical and subtropical. This indicates; that a warm-temperate and dry climate was prevailing at that time.
Based upon the nature of sporo-pollen assemblages, the age of the black clay deposits is assigned to Maastrichtian. Maastrichtian pollen flora of northern Nei Monggol is associated with Siberian- Pacific Province by the abundanee of proteaceous pollen on one side and with the Euro-American Province by the presence of Normapolles on the other.