Author: Sun Han-dong, Lin Zhong-wen and Niu Fang-ti
J Integr Plant Biol 1978, 20 (3): -.
The ether extract of the root of Angelica apaensis Shan et Yuan growing in the Tongtchouan, Yunnan, afforded six kinds of linear furocoumarins: oxypeucedanin, isoimperatorin, oxypeucedahin hydrate, byakangelicol, byakangelicin and a compound, mp. 138–142 ℃, C16H14O5, which was presumed from UV, IR spectra as linear furocou- marin derivative having C5-substituent in molecule. The exctract also yieled β-sitosterol, γ-sitosterol, lignoceric acid, essential oil (0.24%) and two white crystalline substances, mp. 272–275 ℃ and mp. 72–75 ℃ respectively. Ether extract of the root of Heracleum rapula Fr. growing wild in the Kunming, Yunnan, afforded five kinds of coumarins: osthol, imperatorin, isopimpinellin, (+) marmesin and heraclenol. In addition, the essential oil (0.36%) was also Obtained. Dried roots of Heracleum scabridum Fr. growing in Kunming were extracted with ether, afforded four kinds of coumarins: isobergapten, pimpinellin, isopimpinellin and sphondin. In addition, imperatorin and marmesin were detected by thin-layer chromatography.