Author: MOU Tong-Min, CAO Bing, HUANG Zong-Hong, YANG Guo-Cai, Z LIN You-Zhen, XIANG Guan-Lun
Eight indica (Oryza sativa L.) environment-sensitive genic male-sterile (EGMS) lines, 2-2S, K1405S, F131S, 2136S, Pei-Ai 64S, 1290S, GD-1S and N17S, were sequentially seeded with 10-15 d interval at three sites, Wuhan in 1997, Guiyang in 1997 and Sanya in 1997 and 1998, China. The results of investigations on self-sterilities showed that all of eight EGMS lines had stable sterile periods of longer than 30 d at Wuhan. They can be used for seed production of two-line hybrid rice, but can not reproduce themselves. Their stable sterile periods were shorter than 30 d at Guiyang, they can reproduce themselves and can not be used for hybrid seed production. In Sanya, their stable sterile periods were longer than 150 d, all of eight lines can be used for seed production in summer and autumn and reproduce themselves in winter. The fertility of all eight lines were sensitive to temperature. The sensitive stages, sensitive duration and critical point of temperatures (CPT) of fertility alteration in various lines were different. The sensitive stages of 2-2S and K1405S were from 18 d to 9 d before heading, the sensitive durations were 7-10 d and the CPTs were 23.7-24.5 ℃. The sensitive stage, sensitive duration and CPT of F131S were from 17 to 5 d before heading, 13 d and 24.3-24.7 ℃, respectively. The sensitive stage, sensitive duration and CPT of 2136S were from 18 to 12 d before heading, 7 d and 24.6-25.1 ℃, respectively. The sensitive stages, sensitive durations of Pei-Ai 64S, 1290S, N17S and GD-1S were from 24 to 13 d before heading and 10-13 d. And their CPTs were 24.6-25.1 ℃, 25.5-26.2 ℃, 25.4-26.1 ℃, and 24.1-24.7 ℃, respectively.
8 个籼型水稻环境敏感核不育系的育性转换特性研究
牟同敏1 曹兵2 黄宗洪3 杨国才1 林尤珍2 向关伦3
(1. 湖北省农业科学院杂交水稻工程技术研究中心,武汉430064;2. 海南省农业科学院水稻研究所,海口571000
3. 贵州省农业科学院水稻研究所,贵阳550006)
摘要:在武汉、贵阳 (1997年 )和三亚 (1997~ 1998年 ) 3个生态点 ,对 8个籼型水稻 (Oryzasativa L .ssp .indica)环境敏感核不育系 (2-2S、K140 5S、F131S、2 136S、Pei-Ai6 4S、12 90S、GD_1S和N17S)进行分期播种试验 ,每期相隔 10~ 15d ,考察自交不育度的动态变化。结果表明 ,8个不育系在武汉的稳定不育期均长于 30d ,在贵阳的稳定不育期均短于 30d ,在三亚的稳定不育期均长于 15 0d。 8个不育系的育性表达均表现对温度敏感 ,但不同的不育系育性转换的敏感时期、敏感期的长短和临界温度是不同的。 2-2S和K140 5S的敏感时期位于抽穗前的第 18天至第 9天 ,敏感期为 7~ 10d ,育性转换的临界温度为 2 3.7~ 2 4.5℃。F131S的敏感时期位于抽穗前的第 17天至第 5天 ,敏感期为13d ,育性转换的临界温度为 2 4.3~ 2 4.7℃。 2 136S的敏感时期位于抽穗前的第 18天至第 12天 ,敏感期为 7d ,育性转换的临界温度为 2 4.6~ 2 5 .1℃。Pei_Ai6 4S、12 90S、GD_1S和N17S的敏感时期位于抽穗前的第 2 4天至第 11天 ,敏感期为 7~ 13d ,育性转换的临界温度分别为 2 4.3~ 2 4.7℃、2 5 .5~ 2 6 .2℃、2 5 .4~ 2 6 .1℃和 2 4.1~ 2 4.7℃
关键词: 水稻;环境敏感核不育系;育性表达;敏感时期;育性转换临界温度