J Integr Plant Biol. ›› 2002, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 49-54.

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Comparative Physical Localization of Rice Pib Gene and Its Linked RFLP Markers in Oryza sativa, O. officinalis and Zea mays

LI Xia, NING Shun-Bin, JIN Wei-Wei and SONG Yun-Chun   


Comparative genetic studies have shown that there are widespread synteny and colinearity of the genes among different species within grass family. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a model plant, and analysis of its genome allows us to reveal the common features and the evolutionary rules of the gramineous genomes and accumulate the data for establishment of a common genetic system in the Poaceae. In this study, a rice gene Pib (10.3 kb), a map-based cloned gene, and RFLP markers linked with it are used as the tested probes to investigate their homology and physical location among the tested species. Southern blotting analysis showed that there were sequences homologous to Pib in maize genome. Further, Pib was localized onto the chromosomes of O. sativa ssp.indica cv. Guang luai 4, O. officinalis Wall ex Watt and the inbred line of Zea mays cv. Huangzao 4. The results of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and double-color FISH indicated that a synteny of Pib and RFLP markers linked with Pib existed among the genomes of the three tested species.


李霞  宁顺斌  金危危  宋运淳*

(武汉大学植物发育生物学教育部重点实验室,武汉 430072)

摘要:比较遗传学研究表明,禾本科不同基因组之间存在着广泛的同线性和共线性.对水稻(Oryza sativa L.)这一模式植物与其他禾本科植物的原位杂交定位可以揭示禾本科植物基因组的共同特点和进化规律,为建立禾本科遗传大体系积累资料.实验以图位克隆法分离的水稻Pib 基因(10.3 kb)和与之连锁的RFLP标记为探针, 研究了Pib及与其连锁的RFLP标记在供试种中的同源性和物理位置. Southern杂交结果表明,Pib在玉米(Zea mays L.)基因组中有同源序列.进一步利用单色和双色荧光原位杂交技术确定了Pib在栽培稻(O.sativa ssp. indica cv. Guangluai 4)、玉米和药用野生稻(O. officinalis Wall ex Watt)染色体上的物理位置.定位结果表明,Pib基因和与之连锁的RFLP标记在这3个供试种基因组中具有同线性.

关键词: 水稻 RFLP标记 双色荧光原位杂交 Pib 比较物理定位

*通讯作者 Email: ycsong@whu.edu.cn


Key words: rice, RFLP markers, double-color FISH, Pib, comparative physical mapping

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